
SDLC Activity Based Learning


Build Unit Test cppcheck Valgrind Coverage
C/C++ CI Unit testing cppcheck-action Valgrind CI-Coverage

Default Login Credentials

Username | Password ———————|—————————————— root | root

Folder Structure

|Folder | Description |———————|—————————————— |1_Requirements | Documents detailing requirements and research |2_Design | Documents specifying design details |3_Implementation | All code and documentation |4_TestplanAndOutput| Documents with test plans and procedures |5_Report | Documents related to project report |6_ImagesAndVideos | All Images |7_Other | Contain File

Contributors List and Summary

SF Id. Name Features Issuess Raised Issues Resolved Total Test Cases Test Case Pass
258331 Aranshu Bansal Account Management & Calculator No No 7 7

Challenges Faced and How Was It Overcame

  1. Authentication of Admin and Customer was overcame by using File handling.
  2. conio.h not supported for using getch() was overcame by making a customized getch().
  3. Updating and Deleting a file was overcame by using a temporary file to store data for some time.

Learning Resources

  1. geeksforgeeks
  2. tutorialspoint
  3. site